If God is for us

Tom Original : E

If God is for us no one can be against us (2x)

If God is for us no one can be against us!

If He did not spare his only son (2x)

If He did not spare Him won’t He give us all things?

Who can separate us

Who can separate us,

From His love,

Such great love

From His love,

Who can. separate us

Tribulation, no

Distress, no

Persecution, no

Hunger, no

Nakedness, no

Danger and sword

Nothing will separate us

Nothing will separate us

From His love

Not death, nor life

Angels, evil powers

Or authorities

nor things present

Or to come

Nothing will separate us

Nothing will separate us

From His love

Not height, no

Not depth, no

Not family, no

Not friends, no

Nor colleagues, Nor

money, nor the world


Copyright © Maná Igreja Cristã – 2011-2023 – All rights reserved